Make a request »


Create a new filter by demographic data. See code examples

URL Parameters

Http verb: POST
URI: Full url:
URL parameters:
Not used

Body parameters

Body parameters
Holds all information needed to create the filter.

FilterName String Filter name. Must not be empty and must be unique. Max length 255 characters.
DemographicDataName String The name of the demographic data field. Must exist on account and must not be empty. Max length 100 characters.
DemographicDataValue String The value for the demographic data field. Must not be empty. Max length 500 characters.
OperatorValue Int32 Supported operators. Value as integer with the following meaning:
  • 1 = 'LIKE' (equals)
  • 2 = 'NOT LIKE'
  • 3 = '<>'
  • 4 = '='
  • 5 = '< alfanumeric (abc123)'
  • 6 = '> alfanumeric(abc123)'
  • 7 = '< numeric(123)'
  • 8 = '> numeric(123)'
  • 9 = '< date(yyyy-mm-dd)'
  • 10 = '> date(yyyy-mm-dd)'
  • Body Example


    Body parameters
    A response object with code 1 if successful, -1 otherwise. Will contain message and created filter id, if successfully created.

    Code Int32 The response Code.
    Message String The response Message.
    The response Result.

    FilterId Int32 Created filter id or -1 if filter could not be created.
    Message String Create filter result message
    Body Example


    Code examples