Make a request »
Create a subscriber on account and add subscription to a list. If the email address already exists on the account, only a subscription to the list will be created (and if UpdateIfExisting is "true", the subscriber data will be updated). Be aware that if you are using CreateSubscriber endpoint in a subscription form you should also check and delete the subscriber from OptOutAll list before. NB! In case of bulk imports/updates - you should use one of the methods in the Import service. (Direct) See code examples
URL Parameters
Http verb: POST
URI: Full url:{MailingListId}/create?updateIfExists={UpdateIfExists}
URL parameters:
MailingListId | String | The Id of the list the subscriber should be added to. |
UpdateIfExists | String | If email address already exists on the account and this parameter is true, then subscriber data will be updated. Otherwise an error will be returned. |
Body parameters
Body parameters
SubscriberToCreate | The subscriber to create
Code examples